Autoclave, Horizontal, Cylindrical, Double Wall Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in Delhi India
Product Code : EDS-A-12635
Eduscope India is a leading Autoclave, Horizontal, Cylindrical, Double Wall Manufacturer,and suppliers in India
Autoclave, Horizontal, Cylindrical, Double Wall
All models work on the principle of downward displacement of air which is the most economical method of obtaining sterilization.
The sterilizer is based on the principle that the microbiological action of saturated steam at elevated temperatures is rapid and thorough.
Construction:- Double walled inner chamber, outer cover and lid made of stainless steel, radial locking made of mild steel chrome plated, ring M.S painted.
Its economies on power consumption reduce the frequent opening steam release value and prevent steam release in the room.
Operating Temperature & Pressure: Sterilizing Temperature: 1200 degrees Celcius Sterilizing pressure: 1.2 to 1.5 Kg/cm2 (15 psi- 20 psi)
Autoclave mounted on a tubular steel frame with ground leveling screwed flanges.
Pressure Control:- The pressure control device, digital timer, digital temperature, low water cut-off device, and buzzer on completion of the cycle are incorporated in this unit.